OUR Paintings and digital art
Here at Rainforest Reliance Non-Profit, when you purchase one of our art, you participate in the restoration and preservation of destroyed rainforests together with all its spectacular biodiversity, ensuring the stability of nature and “Keeping The Earth in Balance”.

When you purchase our NFT’s, you are not just buying an “electronic one of a kind photo”, that NFT represents purchasing a portion of land with the moneys raised from the sale, together with planting endangered tree species that will attract and protect endangered wildlife and biodiversity.
This land will be kept in our “Land Preservation Trust” to ensure the upkeep, protection and maintenance of that land and its biodiversity. This land once restored will never be used for agricultural cultivation or mineral exploitation and will remain intact for centuries to come.
You too support and nurture local undiscovered artistic talent, as a % of each sale goes directly to the artist.
We too allocate 10% of each NFT sale to our “Arts & Crafts Indigenous Children’s Fund” that supports local rural and indigenous children in discovering their artistic expression and hidden talent. Moneys raised go to the purchase of paints and materials together with building our first “Indigenous Children’s Arts & Crafts Social Center”
We offer a multiple of NFT options starting at
You get your NFT and a certificate confirming “Honary Benificactor Status” with the GPS coordinates so you can view the status and progress of your land 24/7/365, plus regular annual updates with photos emailed.
$103.12c that represent 1/64th of a hecatre of land (1 HA = 100m x 100m sq) and with it 10 endangered tree’s and those insects and animals who habitate that land.
$206.25c that represent 1/32th of a hecatre of land (1 HA =100m x 100m sq) and with it 20 endangered tree’s and those insects and animals who habitate that land.
$412.50c that represent 1/16th of a hecatre of land (1 HA = 100m x 100m sq) and with it 40 endangered tree’s and those insects and animals who habitate that land.
You get your NFT and a certificate confirming “Honary Benificactor Status” with the GPS coordinates so you can view the status and progress of your land 24/7/365, plus regular annual updates with photos emailed.
You too get the origional “NFT PAINTING” signed by the artist, acompanied with personalised photo’s of artist and origional NFT painting, delivered by mail to you or the designated recipient. ( postage included in the purchase price)
$825.00c that represent 1/8th of a hecatre of land (1 HA = 100m x 100m sq) and with it 80 endangered tree’s and those insects and animals who habitate that land.
With this option your painting is A2 size (42cm x 60cm)
$1,650.00c that represent 1/4th of a hecatre of land (1 HA = 100m x 100m sq) and with it 160 endangered tree’s and those insects and animals who habitate that land.
With this option your painting is A1 size (60cm x 84cm)
GOLD “1”
$3,300.00c that represent 1/2 of a hecatre of land (1 HA = 100m x 100m sq) and with it 320 endangered tree’s and those insects and animals who habitate that land.
With this option your painting is 0.8m x 1.1m (80cm x 110cm)
You get your NFT and a certificate confirming “Honary Benificactor Status” with the GPS coordinates so you can view the status and progress of your land 24/7/365, plus regular annual updates with photos emailed.
You too get the origional “NFT PAINTING” signed by the artist, acompanied with personalised photo’s of artist and origional NFT painting, delivered by mail to you or the designated recipient. ( postage included in the purchase price)
$6,600.00c that represent 1 Hectare of land (100m x 100m = 0.1km sq) and with it 640 endangered tree’s and those insects and animals who habitate that land.
With this option your painting is 1m x 1.5m (100cm x 150cm one-individual piece) painted on canvas.
$66,000.00c that represent 10 Hectares of land (1,000m x 1,000m = 1km sq) and with it 6,400 endangered tree’s and those insects and animals who habitate that land.
With this option your painting is 2m x 3m (200cm x 300cm split into 4-individual pieces) painted on canvis.
PLATINUM“1” $660,000.00c that represent 100 Hectares of land (10,000m x 10,000m = 10km sq) and with it 64,000 endangered tree’s and those insects and animals who habitate that land.
With this option your painting is 3m x 6m (300cm x 600cm split into six-individual pieces) painted on canvas.
Truly impresionable to showcase in a corporate boardroom or entrance loby, show you mean business, show your business means good.
There is an estimated less than 250 to 300 Jaguars left in our reserve, that is 1 Jaguar for every 10,000 Hectares.
Please help us immediately protect the Jaguar from extinction, by your support we will build an endangered anmial rescue shelter and fund the continued preservation and conservation of this majestic animal.
We have so many wondrful exotic animals that without your help will become extinct, act now for we are on the threshold of loosing them forever.
We have two qualified professional vetanary staff on our team, both young and enthusiastic, eager to preserve what biodiversity is left for their generation and their childrens childrens generations to come.
Support our youth “ALBERTO & JOSAYLIN” both of whom attended vetenary school.
We too aim to impliment our “Park Rangers”, moneys from NFT sales go to training and employment of local indigenous community members in the conservation and protection of all the species that depend on our reserve.
Thank you for your contributions, your art truly does speak for you, for all our GOLD STATUS & PLATINUM STATUS NFT supporters, all NFT’s are custom made to order, hence we offer you the benefactor the option to custom your painting.
You can have your family photo or company logo painted into your custom NFT, you can let the artist know your preferences and we will make your NFT the Mona Lisa of NFT’s.
Showcase your NFT ORIGIONAL ART in your home or office, show the world that your NFT holds emence value as it is attached to the land preserved in its honor, who wants status if it is not honerable.
Your NFT will be valuable beyond belief, the question is what value can you put on preventing extinction, how much is an ant or butterfly worth, how much is a Jaguar worth, what is your worth?