TREE: MAIN SPECIES “COFFEE TREE” (Donation Cost 1.25c per tree)
Secondary Species: Ricinus Communis, Ceiba Pentandra, Swietenia Macrophylla, Cedrela Odorata, Manilkara Zapota, Enterolobium Cyclocarpum, Quercus Robur, Juglans Regia, Tamarindus Indica and many more…
Providing sustainable jobs and income around regenerative agriculture based on organic shade-grown coffee production, whilst promoting the incorporation of indigenous & tropical trees to restore the ecosystem and protect biodiversity.
Target 1.25 Billion Trees
We at Rainforest Reliance Non-Profit aim to recuperate and protect the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor.
By way of soliciting and empowering the local rural indigenous communities via planting trees such as endangered indigenous tropical and fruit varieties, together with commercial crops in the form of Coffee Trees, Cacao Trees and Precious Wood Trees, using Castor Trees as interim shade, protection and nutrients, all part of the restoration and rehabilitation process.
Rural Indigenous communities and individual families can restore destroyed terrain and combat the Climate Crisis via regenerative landscape restoration creating regenerative jobs via sustainable means following the 4 Returns Scientific Approach, enabling these communities to build schools, hospitals and other social structures along with economic independence.
So by your support we empower communities, tackling poverty and alleviating food insecurity and ALL 17 Sustainable Development Goals, it becomes possible to kick-start the reforestation of the Patuca Reserve while laying the groundwork for local sustainable independence.
By supporting our campaign, you empower local indigenous communities for decades to come whilst protecting the 2nd most important biosphere in the Americas next to the Amazon.
The Patuca Reserve is one of the largest contiguous forest in Latin America. It is a rich landscape with 21 different ecosystem types and is home to at least 13% of known species worldwide. There are numerous rare and endangered animals like Jaguars, Giant Anteaters, Baird’s Tapir, Howler Monkeys and more than 200,000 species of insect. The reserve borders the Nicaraguan-Honduran border and is an integral part of the Mesoamerican Biological corridor – which connects 8 countries and provides free movement for biodiversity.
We too will be creating and implementing a local Park Ranger Security Force & Biodiversity Institute with an Endangered Animal Rescue Facility to protect the Biosphere (Mesoamerican Biological Corridor) from further degradation and stop illegal logging and mining protecting all animal and insect species, plus “Fauna & Flora” maintaining ecological balance for which without humans cannot exist.
Our project is the largest private initiative embarked by any landscape restoration organization as we aim to amalgamate four independent indigenous reserves into one complete geographical structure under local protection that amounts to over 3 MILLION HECTARES in total size, by planting over 2.5 BILLION TREES RESTORING 1 BILLION HECTARES of previously destroyed terrain via our Coffee Initiative, Cacao Initiative, Precious Wood Initiative, Ecopower Initiative & Land Preservation Conservation Trust Initiative.
We would like to restore the Patuca Reserve (part of the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor) back to 100% health over the next decade with Tropical Endangered Indigenous Wood and Fruit Trees together with Coffee Trees.
Offering local indigenous communities, the opportunity to create jobs via regenerative agriculture with a long term plan for regeneration so by 2040 and beyond, established indigenous trees will be on their way to a long healthy secure life that should see the next hundreds of years green and alive for future generations to thrive and all natures species to endure in prevention to extinction.
Trees are the source of life. Establishing indigenous tree species will attract and retain rain clouds, produce oxygen, capture carbon monoxide and draw carbon into the soil.
Reforested areas prevent soil erosion while securing water reserves and maintaining water quality. A healthy and cared-for environment will retain natural biodiversity and sustain many life forms.
Landscape restoration based on Coffee Bean production provides an independent local Coffee industry. As well as the potential for marketing Coffee products to an international market. This creates regenerative jobs around regenerative living.
Coffee Bean, Tropical Endangered Trees & Castor Bean
Converting degraded land within 6 months using Castor trees will kick start the growth of the Coffee Trees and Indigenous Tree Species for the first 5 years to allow the Coffee and tropical indigenous trees to take off, thereafter the tropical trees will supersede in height and surpass the castor trees creating a micro climate providing shade for the coffee and producing nutrients regenerating the biosphere using intelligent regenerative reforestation as our basis.
Intercropping castor bean with food production such as Coffee Trees makes efficient use of land resources and acting as pioneer trees, castor grows fast and plays a vital role in providing protection during the establishment of Coffee Trees and indigenous tropical trees.
Castor pioneer trees stabilize soil, improve soil aeration, prevent erosion provide organic matter/nutrients, give canopy and shade, which enables understory plants to become established.
Castor seeds are used to produce vegetable oil that is then transformed into renewable clean energy in the form of nontoxic bio-combustibles converted to electricity preventing the necessity for indigenous people to cut down trees as a means to keep warm, plus cook and feed their families.
Our long term plan of protection is first to restore destroyed landscape by way of planting Coffee Trees Alongside Tropical Endangered Indigenous Trees. The coffee trees will provide regenerative jobs around regenerative agriculture ensuring local populations care take and protect the land. Coffee Trees require shade hence the tropical endangered indigenous trees will play a pivotal vital part in coffee production and are protected in mutual interest. Coffee production will prevent the need to cut down tropical endangered indigenous trees for wood as a source of income. By supporting our project/s you empower poor populations to become self-sustainable, independent and educated.

$1.25 Cost Per Tree.
The cost includes first preparing the destroyed land/terrain by planting 600 Castor trees per hectare to restore and prepare the land for introduction of 5,000 Coffee Trees and 100 Tropical Tree Species per hectare. This process will provide shade and nutrients in the form of biomass to support and protect the infant coffee trees primarily through the first three to five-years of growth, after which the tropical trees will surpass the castor trees and become the main source of shade for the Coffee Trees, together with producing biomass and nutrients.
This cost includes:
Preparing the land and eliminating weeds.
The purchasing of grow bags.
Planting of a nursery.
Nurturing the young coffee seedlings for a period of three months.
Replanting the young new coffee trees in their location under the Castor trees and between the tropical indigenous trees.
Maintaining and caring for the new coffee trees for a period of three years until the first respectable harvests start coming in that will then provide an income for the local people creating regenerative jobs around regenerative agriculture and landscape restoration for generations to come.
Rainforest Reliance Non-Profit is the ONLY reforestation and landscape restoration organization that focuses on incorporating ALL 17 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals whilst we tackle the Climate Crisis.
By supporting our program, you will be protecting biodiversity and investing in social infrastructures such as schools, a university, a hospital and be creating industry for our indigenous people, that revolves around regenerative agriculture based on reforestation.
Rainforest Reliance is working together with the Mayagna people to recuperate and restore the Patuca National Park back to good health in an effort to retain and preserve the Mayagna Culture and heritage.
In the Mayangna language, ‘autonomy’ translates as “alas yalahnin lani” – ‘to live our system of life.”