TREE: MAIN SPECIES “CASTOR TREE” Ricinus Communis, (Donation Cost 0.10c per tree)
Secondary Species: Ceiba Pentandra, Swietenia Macrophylla, Cedrela Odorata, Manilkara Zapota, Enterolobium Cyclocarpum, Quercus Robur, Juglans Regia, Tamarindus Indica and many more…
Making renewable energy & biodegradable renewables via regenerative landscape restoration. Providing indigenous people with clean, green electricity as a way to curb the destruction of our rainforests by way of eliminating the necessity to burn wood as a heat source to feed their families and keep warm. Providing sustainable jobs and income around landscape restoration and regenerative agriculture, whilst promoting the incorporation of indigenous & tropical trees to restore the ecosystem and protect biodiversity.
We Rainforest Reliance Non-Profit aim to put an immediate stop to the consumption of precious wood as a fuel source which is a major contributing factor for the decline of our rain forests and together socially and economically empower and liberate our indigenous populations. We solicit and empower rural indigenous communities by way of planting trees such as endangered tropical varieties together with Castor Trees, the seeds of which are used to produce vegetable oil that is then transformed into renewable clean energy in the form of nontoxic bio-combustibles. Rural Indigenous communities and individual families can then make their own clean renewable non-toxic energy that is reliant on the regenerative restoration and reforestation of our rain forests. The excess production generates an income that is devised via sustainable means, enabling these communities to build schools, hospitals and other social structures along with economic independence.
The Bosawas Biosphere Reserve is one of the largest contiguous forest in Latin America. It is a rich landscape with 21 different ecosystem types and is home to 13% of known species worldwide. There are numerous rare and endangered animals like Jaguars, Giant Anteaters, Baird’s Tapir, and more than 200,000 species of insect. The reserve stretches across the Nicaraguan-Honduran border and is an integral part of the Mesoamerican Biological corridor – which connects 8 countries and provides free movement for biodiversity. Intercropping castor bean with food production makes efficient use of land resources and acting as pioneer trees, castor grows fast and plays a vital role in providing protection during the establishment of indigenous tropical trees. Castor pioneer trees stabilize soil, improve soil aeration, prevent erosion provide organic matter/nutrients, give canopy and shade, which enables understory plants to become established.
So by empowering communities, tackling energy poverty and alleviating food insecurity, it becomes possible to kick-start the reforestation of the Bosawas reserve while laying the groundwork for a local, independent and alternative energy industry. We would like to restore the Biosphere Bosawas back to 100% health and over the next 20 years restore the close to 600,000 hectares of destroyed rain forest with both Castor and Tropical Indigenous trees. By 2040 established the indigenous trees will be on their way to a long healthy secure life that should see the next hundreds of years green and alive for future generations to thrive and all natures species to endure in prevention to extinction.
Trees are the source of life. Establishing indigenous tree species will attract and retain rain clouds, produce oxygen, capture carbon monoxide and draw carbon into the soil. Reforested areas prevent soil erosion while securing water reserves and maintaining water quality. A healthy and cared-for environment will retain natural biodiversity and sustain many life forms. Landscape restoration based on castor bean production provides biofuel an independent local energy industry. As well as the potential for marketing biofuel, bioenergy and biodegradable consumable products to an international market. This creates regenerative jobs around regenerative living. Castor bean & intercropped food Converting degraded land within 6 months Castor will kick start the growth for the first 5 years to allow tropical and indigenous trees to take off, thereafter the tropical trees will supersede in height and surpass the castor trees creating a micro climate and regenerating the biosphere using intelligent regenerative reforestation as our basis.