“Bosawas, Patuca, Tawahaka & Rio Plantano”
(Situated Between Honduras & Nicaragua)

our mission is
- To put a stop to deforestation by empowering the local rural indigenous population by
way of job creation based on regenerative agriculture & renewables. - To build an independent sustainable ecological indigenous social society.
- To Combat Climate Change & Protect Biodiversity.
- Total size of our 4 Reserves 3.1 Million Hectares, estimated 1.1+ Million Hectares Destroyed.
We at Rainforest Reliance Non-Profit Organization strive to incorporate a long term sustainability strategy that focuses on not just tree planting and land restoration but takes into account all aspects of biodiversity, conservation and preservation, whilst at the same time tackling ALL 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
Although we are primarily focused on climate change encompassing regenerative landscape restoration via planting trees, our secondary focus is on maintaining a balance between biodiversity and man whilst protecting both from extinction.
As a young organization with over ten-years’ operating in the Mesoamerican Biological corridor working with local and indigenous people, focused on correcting the mistakes of past generations by designing and implementing new innovative practical sustainable solutions that have proven to work.
We have successfully demonstrated that we are more than capable and up to the task based on our proven track record and continued growth.
We are extremely proud and fortunate to be bestowed with such a valuable task protecting the second largest rainforest in the Western Hemisphere, after the Amazon.
Our organization/s and their directors are legally under direct mandate from the local independent governing bodies of the reserve/s, nominated to represent the people and their interests in front on the United Nations.
Together with being independently exclusively contracted specifically to focus on combating climate change, food security and social economic interests.
Restoring destroyed terrain in an effort to protect and preserve both the local people and their habitat that they share with nature, by restoring the balance between nature and man to ensure the survival of both.
It is for these reasons we offer multiple options of inclusion to tackle all aspects relating to ensuring we preserve and maintain our planet to the best of our ability going forward.
To assist us and help us prevent further degradation of our natural resources, we urge the public to please support our initiatives.
We are the only platform that offers a way to directly empower impoverished rural and indigenous populations by way of regenerative job creation based on regenerative agriculture focused on renewables, non-toxic biodegradables and food production, in conjunction with sustainable ecological regenerative land restoration practices.
By supporting our initiatives, you directly ensure the socioeconomic growth of our indigenous populations by way of inclusion.
Funds raised will go towards the construction of a road system, 4 hospitals, 75 schools, 4 universities and 6 processing plants and factories producing renewables and food products based on ecologically sustainable business practices in line with the 4-Returns Proven Scientific Approach. (Expense Breakdown Link)
Funds raised will go towards land restoration by way of planting various castor trees, coffee trees and cacao trees together with endangered wood and tropical tree species, ensuring the continued maintenance and protection of that land and its biodiversity for generations to come.
We aim to set up our own Park Ranger Station(s) together with an endangered species animal rescue facility and employ our own team of Park Rangers to monitor and protect the biodiversity within the borders of our 4 Reserves. They too will educate the local populations on the importance of maintaining a healthy ecosystem and working together with nature.
The 4 reserves (Bosawas, Patuca, Tawahaka & Rio Plantano) are declared protected sites under UNESCO.
Within the Biosphere live an estimated 200,000 insect species, it is a rich landscape with 21 different ecosystem types and is home to 13% of known species worldwide.
Pumas and jaguars are present in the reserve, however currently there are threats to the conservation of the reserve which include illegal hunting, logging and clearing of land to graze cattle.
In 2011, UNESCO placed the reserve on the “World Heritage in Danger List”.
Here is your chance to participate in this rare and special occasion by way of joining our initiatives and joining forces with our local and indigenous communities by leading the world forward in an ecologically socially inclusive path to a cleaner, greener, sustainable future.